Tuesday, January 04, 2005


I haven’t said anything about the catastrophe in Asia yet, partly because I am so disturbed by the whole thing but also because I’ve already voiced my opinions about helping others enough. I’m sure that each and every one of you are already doing all you can to help and are capable of finding viable charities on your own. But I did think this is worth mentioning.

There is program called BlogAid in which all bloggers currently making money from their sites (either through ads or donations) pledge to give their earnings to BlogAid. I currently do not make any money off my blog, and I doubt I ever will, but I have signed up for Google AdSense and BlogAid. This means that every time you click on an advertisement on my blog a few cents will go into my account and all the money earned on a monthly basis will then be sent to the Tsunami relief fund. Cool, huh? I don't have every thing up and running yet.

In the mean time, here is the list of blogs who have pledged their site earnings to relief.