Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Beating the dead horse.

I took my son to breakfast at the 24th Street Café yesterday. During the course of the meal I told him about the debate over the term Bako and asked his opinion. He said he thinks of it as a shortened form of Bakersfield. Sort of like L.A. he said. Then he pointed out that saying BKFLD is too awkward. When I told him about the comments Elvisload made he burst out laughing. You gotta be in pretty bad shape to have a 15 year old boy call you immature.

In the end I found that most of you are not offended by the nickname but the people who are feel pretty strongly about it. I think the Little Lebowski said it best when he said it sounds like a word used “by the backwards-hat-wearing, twenty something bar crowd that likes to inflict bodily harm unto one another after a couple of drinks.” Now there’s a crowd I can relate to. Yee haw!!

Let us never speak of this again. Amen.