Friday, April 01, 2005

News Nuggets

There’s a report in the paper today that a 22-year-old man working as an instructional aide at Stockdale High School has been arrested for having sex with two students. A mother whose son attends the school said she is “shocked” by the news.

Shocked? Are you kidding me? You put a 22-year-old dude in the middle of a bunch of horny teenaged girls you think they’re going to play checkers?

Also in the news…the cops bagged another one yesterday. Douglas Good “was killed by two blasts from a Sheriff’s Department issued shotgun.” This is the second time this week! According to the article, “A Bakersfield police officer shot at and missed a man who had waived a pellet gun on the South High campus.” Good also had a gun and reportedly pointed at the Sheriff’s as they approached. Yup, sounds like a good way to get yourself killed.

The best part of the story is that Good was all fired up because he had hired an exotic dancer to come to his hotel room and “dance” for him, but she showed up with a body guard. Good insisted that the bodyguard leave the girl in the room alone and pulled a gun on him to prove the sincerity of his request.

Apparently Good does not like to have some one watch him when he’s watching some one.