Friday, July 29, 2005

Hasta la vista baby!

This will probably be my last post for a couple days since I’ll be leaving in a few hours for the Blogher convention in Santa Clara. Looks like I’m leaving town at exactly the right time. A cousin of the man who recently killed (stabbed) his wife and then himself to death with his children present, emailed me (with her first AND last name, might I add) to let me know that her “Only regret in this entire situation is that he didn’t get to (me) first.”Yikes. Pretty strong words considering all I did was suggest it was wrong of him to commit a murder and a suicide with his children nearby. Maybe I’m wrong. Honestly, I don’t know all the facts or anything about these people and it really isn’t my place to judge. Heck – maybe she deserved it and maybe her husband is normally (despite the restraining order she had against him) a kind and gentle man. Maybe so. (blink, blink)

I think it’s fitting that I should receive my first death threat just before I take off for a blogger convention. I’m sure there will be a session on how to deal with being called “a worthless piece of shit” because I, “Don’t have a life and sit in front of (my) computer all day with nothing better to do.” Au contraire! I have a convention to attend!

Of course, there are other good reasons for me to leave town. Number one being the highest temperature anywhere near Santa Clara is only in the mid 80’s. Ahhh! (I’m going to need a sweater.) Number two being there are just too many dead bodies showing up all over town lately. It’s freaky. A human torso was found Wednesday in an abandoned house in Oildale. Ack! Police have already identified the dead man and arrested one man in connection with his death. According to the paper, the victim (not using names so as to avoid further death threats) had recently plead no contest to molesting children. So, IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, it’s possible that someone had a motive to off the guy.

Another body also turned up in the Kern River recently. At first they thought it was a human. Considering the number of missing bodies still bobbing around in there, it was a natural assumption. Once they got closer they realized it was not human and speculated that it was a small cow. After retrieving the carcass from the water however, they realized it was actually a very large pit bull dog. Holy crap. How big WAS that dog?

I’m adding that to my growing list of reasons why I will NEVER swim in that river again.