Thursday, July 28, 2005

If you want to avoid that feeling that you might get stabbed

Once again the Eye Street section of the paper is featuring Danielle Belton’s review of various bars and clubs around town. I lovethe different categories they are rated by. There’s “cheap,” “college,” “drag,” (as in Drag Queen) “rowdy,” “bouncers,” and “smoking,” just to name a few. Each category has a cute little icon to go with it. “Drag” is a pretty, pink crown, “Over 25” shows an old person with a cane (hey – wait a minute!) and “Bouncers” shows a man with huge muscles standing over a dead guy (okay – I made that last part up.)

Overall she does a great job of describing the clubs and bars accurately and with humor. And she makes a good point. While describing the newly opened Elephant Bar, Belton comments how nice the women dressed and how, “most of the men dress the same regardless of whether they’re partying beneath the beautiful dome of the Elephant Bar or getting tore up from the floor up at the Alley Cat.” Hallelujah sister! Since when did getting dressed up consist of putting on a baseball cap?

Noticeably absent from the review were Guthrie’s Alley Cat, The Silver Fox, and The Mint - all the places that one might actually meet a drag queen in Bakersfield.

p.s. The title of this post taken from Danielle Belton's article. Nice work D.B.