Saturday, September 24, 2005

Busy puttin' out fires.

As I pulled out of my garage today, I noticed something. My neighbor's fence was on fire. I stood there looking at it for a minute trying to figure out what the deal was. Why would a fence catch on fire in the middle of the day? And why wasn't there someone running around in circles yelling, 'Fire! Fire! Fire!'? I couldn't figure it out.

I started to call 911, but then I stopped. It wasn't a very big fire and it could have easily been put out with an extinguisher, but I didn't have an extinguisher, and I wasn't too excited about the idea of trying to smother it with a blanket or something, so I pulled out my phone and called 911. It rang like, 10 times before someone answered. (Great. I feel safe now.) The operator put me in touch with the fire department and I told another lady what was going on. A few minutes later I heard sirens. (I was praying they didn’t send out the whole fleet.)

One of those half sized fire trucks pulled up and I showed him where the fire was. He pulled a hose out of the truck and put it out in a manner of minutes. I was just about to leave, thinking the whole thing was over, when all of the sudden one of those big ladder trucks came pulling up and a bunch of firemen came running over. I was so embarrassed about calling 911 for such a little fire, and I was a sort of afraid they’d be mad at me, but I approached the man in charge just to see if he needed me for anything. He told me the fire had been started by a candle that someone had left burning. (That’s weird.) We chit-chatted a bit, and as we talked another fireman came walking up in full fire gear, hat and all. It was all I could do to keep my jaw from hitting the ground.

That fireman was SO good looking I couldn’t believe it. He had beautiful green eyes and perfect features in every way. It’s no wonder he became a fireman - he’s so hot he’s going to have to be putting our flames all over the place. Tzzzz!

I’m thinking about taking up arson as new hobby.