Thursday, November 11, 2004

Happy Vets a go-go

I went to the Veteran’s Day parade today. I haven’t been to a parade in years. I’m not a big fan of parades – except Disneyland’s Electric Light parade, that’s cool. I haven’t been to a Veteran’s Day parade since…ever I think. I went this year because my son was in it. He’s in ROTC and CAP which translates into he’s a little war monger. Anyway, I was surprised to actually have fun. I was sitting on the curb next to these old coots and they were cracking me up.

One of them said somebody had mistaken him for somebody else with the last name Hole. “First name starts with an A I think.” Then another dude walks up and the vet in the wheel chair says, “You look like you must have been in the Navy.” And they were all ‘oooooo – thems fighting words.’ So you can understand why I had a good time. Plus I got to people watch and trust me there were plenty of people to watch cuz we got some real crazies in this town. And some fugly ones too – geez. And can anybody please tell me why some many Pentecostals go to parades? Cuz I think they were all there.

Anyway, so I went to see my son in the parade and there he was in the very front on the very right leading the whole group marching down the street and I’m yelling at him and waving and trying to get his attention so I can take his picture and just then my stupid crappy cheap ass camera jammed. I didn’t get to take his picture in the parade!! How sad is that? Of course he was ignoring me the whole time and staring straight ahead with a mean look on his face like a good little solider. When we finally got home my camera suddenly miraculously starts to work again so I wanted to take a picture of my son in his uniform but he wouldn’t let me so I went to Rite Aide and bought some Pizza-licious Pringles and a 2-leter bottle of Dr. Pepper and when I got home he let me take his picture.

As you can see – he’s trilled.

Of course while I'm doing all this my cat is looking at me like this.

Clearly there's lots of love in the air this Veteran's Day.