Saturday, November 13, 2004

Shoot to kill

Some of you might remember me saying this recently in one of my posts:

“The cops shot and killed another Daleian who was running around the front yard waving a gun. There was a standoff for about an hour then I think it started getting late and the cops were tired and wanted to go home so they went ahead and shot the guy. Hey – he was asking for it.”

Well, there’s an article in the paper about it today because the Sheriff deputies (yes – plural) who killed the guy have officially been cleared by a review board. Four SWAT team members and three sheriffs unloaded 32 shots that one guy. He was hit 17 times. The sister of the man killed says the shooting could have been avoided and that her brother was suicidal and knew that if he pointed a gun at the cops they would kill him. “I think Kern County is known for that,” she says “Yee haw. We’re gonna shoot y’all.”

So, there you go folks. If you ever decide to end your life, the Bake Town cops will be right there to help. We can all sleep better tonight.

(Quote taken from the Californian.)