Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Bovine Burps would be a good name for a band.

The breaking news on today is cows burps are more harmful to the environment than their poops. Thanks to Frank Mitloehner and his “bovine bubble” Bako will soon be surrounded by miles of piles. Don’t be surprised if you find a couple flaming pies on your door step Frank. Special delivery courtesy of Bake Town.

I’m sure there are some benefits to having so many diaries around. My mother’s rose bushes will enjoy the boost of nutrients, and I do love my milk. Plus, I’m sure it’ll provide jobs for some of those millions of people moving here in the future. And let’s face it – cows are cute. Real cows I mean. Not fake cows. I know person who has her home covered in cows. It’s frightening.

Still, I wish the flower growing industry would move in, or the nursery industry. Any industry that plants nice things that smell good.

Any industry that DOESN’T make Bakersfield look like more of a hick town THAN EVER!


  1. Yeah well, seeing as how my boobs are swollen up to about twice their normal size - I'd say it's feeding time.

  2. MO-FO! Am I not in need of a proof reader OR WHAT?
    Your ASS is HIRED.

    p.s. I pay in compliments. And Fish Tacos!!
