Wednesday, January 26, 2005

You're Fired!

A few of you may remember this post I did back in the early days introducing you to my “editor.” Lately I’ve been noticing him slacking off, but I said nothing. Today however, it has come to attention that a mistake was missed that is so glaring I have no choice but to let my editor go. What I am paying you for? Thanks to Bakotopia I found out I had written T-shit instead of T- shirt. I’m so sorry!

On a side note, I thought this was hilarious.... When Bakotopia asked me what size shirt I wanted I requested a medium. When they saw on my blog that the shirt was no where my size so I gave it to my son, the kind people at Bakotopia offered to send me an XL to replace it. Apparently they think I’m as big as a house. The medium was even a little big on my son and he’s HUGE. I think the small would still be too big for me. I weigh about 110 lbs. Bako – an XL would drag on the ground if I tried to wear it.

Thanks for the offer though.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:39 PM

    We sincerely apologize for the assumption that you needed an Extra Large! Now we know you're a sexy, svelte small. And as for the typo -- well, since we were featuring your blog on our web site, we just thought you would want to know about it, but never dreamed that you would broadcast it to the world ;-)

    (P.S. Is Donald Trump really your editor?)
    -SPUD (Bakotopia)
