Monday, January 31, 2005


A few months ago I had an idea for a new “feature” on Bake Town. We all know and love the song “The Streets of Bakersfield” but what about the cars on the streets of Bakersfield? The “C.S.O.B” if you will.

I first got the idea when I saw a huge primer gray pick-up truck barreling down the road (in front of a hospital) with the word “Redneck” printed proudly in big letters across the top of the front windshield. If you look very closely, the truck in the picture above has the words “Crazy Ass Cracker” across the back window.

Of course, crackers and rednecks are not the only people in town with cars of note. (By the way, I realize a truck is not a car, but Vehicles of the Streets of Bakersfield doesn’t have much of ring to it, so get over it already.) I saw a lowered Monte Carlo painted with purple sparkly paint driving down the road on tiny little tires that looked like they were about to give out from the strain. The license plate read (I kid you not) “HOMMIE.” Dude! I want that car!

If you see any cars around town you think we should hear about please email me. I think this is going to be fun.