Sunday, January 30, 2005

Hail to the Chief!

I think all of you will be VERY happy to learn a brave soul has decided to step forward for the betterment of her fellow readers, and become Bake Town’s new editor. Yeah! Hopefully this means I will no longer sound dyslexic, hormonal, emotionally imbalanced and badly dressed.

Be aware, however, this does not mean you will be deprived of enjoying my many mistakes. It just means that I have a very intelligent, devoted and FABOULUS woman who has agreed to inform me of my mistakes. On the blog, that is.

Once she has informed me, I will do my best to make the necessary corrections. Keeping work & family obligations in mind AND crappy internet connections, I am hoping to be able to make improvements daily.

If this arrangement is not acceptable to you, I suggest you are a sick, sad person and need to take up a hobby. Such as…blogging, maybe?

I think we ALL owe a round of applause to my new “Editor in Chief.” Who else could it be but Flo? My one and only ST-ENDS.