Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Bakotopia Buys me Beer

I had my free lunch with Dan the Man from Bakotopia Land yesterday. We had green Kool-Aide, I had a PB&J, he had baloney with cheese and we shared a fun sized bag of Fritos. All right, we actually went to Lengthwise, but doesn’t a PB&J on Wonder Bread sound good?

If you haven’t been to Lengthwise in a while you might have a little trouble finding it. I sure did. There’s a building where there didn’t used to be (which seems to be happening a lot.) It completely blocks the view of Lengthwise. The fact that they have neglected to erect a huge neon sign with flashing arrows doesn’t help.

You might also be surprised to learn that besides having great micro-brewed beer, Lengthwise also has really good food. I especially like the fish-n-chips. Dan ordered the Fire Fries, which are served on an asbestos plate. There is a little cup of mean looking red sauce with the fries and after sampling it Dan had a look of sheer terror on his face. He did not want to go back there. I laughed at him and called him a sissy la la.

As we sipped and munched I told Dan about my evil plot to take over the blog world. Dan listened, nodded his head, smiled nervously and scanned the perimeter for an exit.

Overall I’d have to say the meeting was quite a success.