Wednesday, February 02, 2005


On the way to work today I was sitting behind a car with an “Abortion stops beating hearts” bumper sticker directly next to a yellow, ribbon sticker that read “Thank a solider.” As I sat thinking about her message I noticed a large truck next to me with a colorful advertisement painted on the side. Just as I turned my attention to the truck, THE SIGN CHANGED! Right in front of my eyes the “bill board” did a little flip and a different advertisement appeared. It totally freaked me out. Right about the time I started to wonder what the ad was for, I saw it change again. What a cool idea.

I want to get one of those on my car so I can flash messages to other drivers. Messages like, “You’re tailgating! Back off!” and “You should not smoke in your car with a child next to you” or "Quit picking your nose. That's disgusting." I'd have fun with freaking people out.