Thursday, February 09, 2006

How 'bout Haggard Hwy

I have been remiss lately in not commenting on talk of plans to rename a portion of ‘S’ Street to Merle Haggard Way. Two things: Why only a portion of the street? And Why ‘S’ street? As my brilliant son Paul put it yesterday, “Who EVER drives down ‘S’ street?”

While I’m sure that there are those who use the thoroughfare regularly, I think its safe to say most people in town can go most their own lives without ever venturing down S Street (although I must add that the portion in question is the section most heavily used.) According to The Californian, the total length of road to be name for Haggard is about 0.01 miles. Whoa! What an honor.

Adding insult to injury, it was reported that one of the commissioners asked, “Is that the guy who did the burning 'Ring of Fire'?" and then later quipped, “"I don't know how the 'S' Family feels." (Slapping hand against forehead.)

And these are the people we have running our city??