Friday, March 10, 2006

80% of the crowd is too old to dye their hair

Todd and I went to the theatre tonight. We went to see “Pageant” at the Stars Theatre Restaurant.

And this is my B.B.Q.& A. of our evening out….

Todd, you’re a long time reader of Bake Town. How did you first get sucked into the sickness that has become B.T.?

“Well…I found Waist High’s blog first, by Googleing “Bakersfield+Stop+Smoking” then I knew who Chrissy was from high school, then I saw the links to your blog and found it SO MUCH FUNNIER that I decided I liked it much better.”

Really? And why did you find Bake Town more enjoyable than Waist High?

“Because with Bake Town I don’t have to re-live all the horrible 80’s bands.”

That’s pretty harsh Todd, what’s wrong with 80’s bands and/or Waist High’s obsessive compulsion to honor every miniscule milestone of 80’s bands histories?

(Todd - folding over with laughter.)

“Because most 80’s bands sound gay and constipated.”

Okay, Todd. We’ve established that you don’t like Waist High and 80’s gay bands... what is it that you do find appealing (if anything) about Waist High?

(Todd – doubling over with laughter.)

“I never said I didn’t like Waist High! I…I…I…enjoy all of her posts. And I do admire that she is stubbornly stuck in the 80’s regardless of what anyone says.”

Okay, change of topic (cuz I’m sick of talking about Waist High) we went to see a play together tonight… what was your take on it?

Todd is thinking… Bake Town farts…Todd laughs…there is a pause in the action while each try to collect themselves.

“I never did get used to looking at these GUYS, who were so obliviously, GUYS, dressed up as women. The whole play.”

Alright then, about the play we saw tonight...what stood out to you?

“The play was funny. The actors were ugly (which is ((he hopes)) the point) and I was very impressed that they could sing and dance while wearing high heels.”

What was your take on the audience and their response?

Well… (laughing) I was shocked when I walked in and noticed that there was more grey hair there than in a nursing home.

So, do you think the old folks enjoyed the play, or were they “put off’ by the whole ‘drag queen’ aspect like you were, you big homophobe?

Well, first off, I wasn’t “put off’” by it and I don’t think the old timers were either judging by their laughter. Although, that one old guy behind us was mad that one chick for laughing too loud.

Would you be willing to see another play at this theater, and do you think next time you would rather go with your mom?

(Todd begins huffing with aggravation.)

“How did my mom get brought into this?”

Answer the question Todd….

“Yes. I would go see another play there, as long as it was a comedy again. And of course I would take my mother, because I’m a good son, and you, Bake Town, are a pain in the ass.”

p.s. Todd just made fun of my cat. Magill is SO not Bill the Cat! I’m never going to the theater with him again!