Monday, March 13, 2006

Good Day Sunshine

I have a window in my bedroom that I love. I mean, I love all windows, but this window is special. The bottom of it is about five feet off the ground, which means I can walk around buck naked in front it and nobody can see a thing. It’s a long, narrow window that faces the west, and I can see the top of the Fox Theater from it. During the week, when I have to get up and go to work (ugh), I leave the blinds open so as the sun comes up it shines in my eyes and wakes me up with its growing, natural light. In the past I think I have suffered from S.A.D. (I love diagnosing myself, don’t you?) I used to find it hard to wake up when day after day we have nothing but grey and gloomy weather. Who wants to go out it that? Not me. Now I wake up and spend a few minutes staring out the window, looking at the sky and the clouds, and thinking about my dreams.

I think it’s the way everyone should start their day.