Thursday, March 09, 2006

I'll take a fudgesicle AND ALL YOUR MONEY!!

Ahh… the ice cream man. I have fond memories of hopping on one bare foot, then the other, while waiting on scorching hot pavement for my rocket pop. I remember how my tiny heart would quicken at the sound of “Pop goes the weasel” playing over and over again from the ice cream truck loudspeaker. When Paul was little I could never say no to him when he heard the ice cream man. Paul was so enamored he said he wanted to be a ice cream man when he grew up.

Boy, things sure have changed. Supervisors voted recently to limit ice cream trucks to selling ice cream only. It seems that some of them were selling some other stuff along with their popsicles. Some children have been able to purchase smoke bombs, fire crackers and fake guns. Fake guns? From the ice cream man? And these aren’t pink, plastic squirt guns – they’re realistic looking. What has the world come to?

We’ll know it’s really over when one those kids tries to rob the ice cream man using the gun he bought from him the week before.