Thursday, March 09, 2006

Someone needs a time out.

Somethin’ funny is going on with our city counsel people. First a group calling themselves the “Consumer Alliance for a Strong Economy” comes out with a bunch of radio ads attacking David Couch, Sue Benham, and Mike Haggard. The members of CASE have remained a mystery. Then Couch fired back by asking that all the council members sign a piece of paper swearing they don’t know who any of the members are. (Sounds kinda Jr. Highish doesn’t it? It gets better.)

When he asked the others to sign the document (under penalty of perjury) Zack Scriver said no way. Jacquie Sullivan and Irma Carson signed, but then changed their minds and asked for their declarations back. Scriver said Couch was juvenile for coming up with the idea in the first place and Couch stuck his tongue out at him in reply. (Just kidding.)

I think we need to buy these guys a copy of “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.”