Thursday, March 09, 2006

Take that C&C

When it was announced last week that the U.S. General Services Administration had decided to build a new federal court house in southwest Bakersfield, a WHOLE lotta people got their panties in a bunch. The city immediately asked for a review and accused the GSA of ignoring “an executive order that gives preference to downtown buildings.” Some people accused Castle & Cooke, the developer who had proposed the new location, of strong arming the GSA into choosing their project. Congressman Bill Thomas, Senator Barbara Boxer jumped on the bandwagon and condemned the decision. Words were exchanged, threats were made, and madness ensued. The next thing anybody knew Bakersfield had Castle & Cooke in a headlock while the media counted out three on the mat.

Castle & Cooke admitted defeat last night by withdrawing their site from consideration. The president of C&C, Bruce Freeman, announced (while giving his very best sad puppy dog face) that they had been victims of “unfair criticism and outright vilification” and that they, “no longer wanted the courthouse contract.”

I guess the poor little rich boy’s going to cry himself to sleep on his pile of money tonight.