Friday, June 23, 2006

It's got to get better than this. Please God!

I woke up 5:00 A.M. today. I prefer to wake up early in the summer so I can water my plants in relative comfort. When I went outside it was about 70°. The expected high for today is somewhere around 106°. The air quality is unhealthy and residents are advised to stay indoors and avoid moving if possible.

After watering and watching some news, I went to to see if anybody has been shot or whatever and I saw one of the most nonsensical sentences I have ever seen… “Gandhi baseball movie filmed at Sam Lynn.” (Huh??) But before I clicked on the link to read it I saw another article titled, “Officials to consider adopting new logo for city,” so I decided to read that article first since I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that there’s a “Gandhi baseball movie filmed at Sam Lynn.”

Photo totally stolen from and taken by Kameran Kashani.
(nice work) (Oh yeah... that's a bat he's holding, not, you know, somthing else.
Sorry - but it had to be said.)

Evidently there’s been some disagreement over which slogan best represents the city of Bakersfield. Some people do not like the so called “Bakersfield Squiggle” as seen here...

I, for one, do not mind the squiggle. First of all I like the word squiggle and second of all it’s a freakin squiggle, what’s not to like? It’s pretty simple and kinda meaningless - just like Bakersfield. It works for me. (I do not, however, like the ugly city signs they made in brown and red with the squiggle.)

Anyway, some people are pushing for a new city logo. Something more meaningful and clear. Something spelled out in small words. These people are hoping to adopt this as our new city logo...

Now, I’d have nothing against the whole “Bakersfield, Life as it Should Be” movement if it weren’t for the fact that it is TOTAL B.S!!! If unbearable heat, unbreathable air, and a population full of overwhelming idiots is “life as it should be,” then I think we need to collectively jump in the river. I don’t give a crap if the ‘I’ is dotted with a nice little leaf and it looks cute. Most people in this town don’t give a crap about trees and leaves and the environment. If they did they’d start recycling, stop littering, and quit driving around in those giant gas gusslers.

What do y'all think? Which logo do you prefer?