Friday, June 23, 2006

A Very Merry UnBirthday to Me!!

The famous bridge to nowhere. (Again)

I received a little fan email today. It doesn’t happen often, but periodically I’ll get an email from a complete stranger saying they dig something about my blog. That’s pretty cool. Especially when, like today, I look at my blog and see like a bajillion typos and I’m totally mortified that such slop has been out there posted for the whole world to see. (Work with me here people!! I’m in desperate need of an editor.) When I first started I wrote a lot about Bako history cuz I didn't know what else to write about and I've always liked history. I was a virtual Vivian Tucker, if you will - but with attitude! Apparently some people wish I would stick to the history....

Anyway, I realized that my 2 year anniversary is coming up soon but, alas, I will be unable to celebrate it because I will be too busy getting my swerve on in Italy. Oh yeah. That’s right. You heard me. Sorry, I digress… My first rather uneventful post was made on 8/12/04. *yawn* My second was only slightly better, but since it seems to relate to current events, I’m going to post it again for y’all. (Actually, I’m just lazy.) So… in honor of my 2 year anniversary that will be missed because I’ll be too busy getting my swerve on in Italy….here is my second post ever. Reposted.

Just cuz.


For those of you who don’t know, Bake Town is an affectionate euphemism for Bakersfield, CA, hometown to nearly 300,000 hearty souls. Due to the large number of “okies”, oil field workers, cowboys, AND the perilously hot summer temperatures, Bakersfield has suffered for decades with what can best be described as a “poor image.” More precisely, Bakersfield is California’s whipping boy. I am on a personal crusade to change all that. I am going to give Bakersfieldians the self-esteem to stand up and defend our fair city against the cynics. We WILL take pride in who we are and where we live.

How I plan to do this I have no idea.