Thursday, June 08, 2006

More News Nips

There’s a picture on the front page of the paper today of the baby who was hurt by two boys driving a stolen truck. Poor little thing with his tiny mangled legs. One of the boys involved, Stephan Vantassel, was caught yesterday in southwest Bakersfield. I heard that the man who he was staying with was also arrested.

As I was reading the article in the paper and it said “Please turn to CRASH / A3” so I turned to A3 and look for CRASH, but it’s not there. So search the rest of section A for an article titled CRASH, but there isn’t one. So I finally take the paper to a friend of mine and ask her if I’m crazy or if the article is missing. She searched the paper and finally found the article under the heading RECOVERY. Looks like we have a little confusion going on at the TBC.


Israel Evaro Jr was arrested this week after he took his girlfriend out to the country, dosed her with gasoline and set her on fire. Yup. He SET HER ON FIRE!!! Oh. My. God. Apparently he has a history of abuse and had previously been charged with beating and terrorizing the same woman. (Poor thing. I can not even begin to imagine what she went through. But I can tell you if somebody tried to terrorize me you can bet I would terrorize him right back.)

After burning the woman alive, Evaro took her to KMC for treatment. That was nice of him wasn’t it?


The city is thinking about building a $50 million dollar “Sports village” on Taft Hwy and Gosford Road. The idea behind it is to attract, “regional, state, or national athletic competitions.”

I suggest if they want to attract people they shouldn’t build it on Taft Hwy.


Buddy Owens is talking about taking his father's place at the palace a couple of times a month. Bud lives in Phoenix, and has no plans to move.

In case you're concerned, The Buckaroos will not be changing their name to The Budderoos.