Wednesday, June 07, 2006

News Nips

Did anybody else have trouble with Blogger today?


The cops finally nabbed the two gangtas who killed one person and wounded another in front of Rockin' Rodeo recently. John Bryant and Anthony Taylor were conveniently already in jail when they were arrested. Talk about shooting fish in a barrel.


Sheriff Mack Wimbish failed to secure a win in yesterday's election. He and Donny Youngblood will mud wrestle in front of city hall to determine who wins. The news says they're going to have a run off election in November, but I like my idea better.


The No Sludge Measure passed with a resounding 85% of residents voting to keep LA's poop out of Kern County. That doesn't mean, however, that we are still not free spread our own crap around.


Okay, that's all I have time for. I'm too busy planning for my TRIP TO ITALY!!!!!