Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Go ahead and start feeling sorry for me now.

I was unable to blog today because I spent the better part of the day at the doctor's office begging for some relief from the painful, ungodly GROWTH on my face. This is a picture of my chin and that sore you see is most likely the result of a spider bite. I don't know which horrifies me more; the sore, or the fact that a I had spider on my face. *shudder*

When I went to the pharmacy to pick up the copious amounts of prescriptions given to me (five in totol so far) to combat THE GROWTH, parents hid their children’s eyes and stared at me like a disfigured monster. I think I saw one lady cry.

To make things worse, the topical lotion the doc gave me to put on my GROWTH is supposed to make it feel better... right? Nope. It feels like I’m spreading liquid fire on my skin. It was burning and itching all day long and I CAN’T SCRATCH IT! This must be how people feel right before they lose their minds.

If this thing isn't gone by the time the reunion gets here I'm going to have to kill...someone.