Thursday, July 20, 2006

Tombs around Town

There’s a big article in the paper today about the problems with the “Ming corridor.”  Back in my day kids were still cruising Chester.  Apparently now they cruise Ming. The area that was my old stomping grounds has turned into a cool spot to hang out.  (Who knew we were such trend setters?)

The article goes on to talk about the vacant building on Ming formally known as “Zodies.”  They actually spelled Zody’s wrong.  (I think that when it’s a name you don’t use the “drop the ‘y’ and add ‘ie’” rule.)  Chris Bowersox with the BPD’s graffiti unit said, “A lot of kids weren’t even born when the building was occupied… That gives the impression know one cares about it.”  Yeah, no kidding.  I think I was about six when Zody’s went away.  The building has been essentially empty ever since.

Speaking of empty buildings, The Padre is back in the news.  It’s possible the San Diego company that owns it now may sell the building to a local owner(s).  The company said they were going to begin working on The Padre again after their lawsuit with the county was settled, but so far nothing has happened.  

It’s starting to look like good old Spartacus is right.  That building really is a tombstone.