Thursday, December 09, 2004

Blah, blog, blah

A teacher at Washington Jr. High was arrested yesterday for allegedly touching two students inappropriately. It’s seems like there’s been an awful lot of educators getting into trouble lately. Nothing beats Asst. Principal Vincent Brothers, suspected of killing his whole family. A couple of months ago a Jr. High Principal was charged with assault for shaking a parent. That case was dismissed. There was a guy a few years ago who was reprimanded for having a FUKNGRUVIN bumper sticker on his VW bus and another one who caused a stir by having empty beer bottles in the back of his truck. Now, I’m not saying sexual assault is on par with a tacky bumper sticker; the point is we don’t know for sure if the guy really truly did any thing wrong or not (and if he did, then he needs to go!) but in the mean time he’s name is being smeared all over the place by the media. Doesn’t seem right to me.

The other thing the media is quick to talk about around here is murder. (Which reminds me, I forgot to post about the Amanda Zubia case. Both of her cousins pled guilty to 1st degree murder in exchange for a sentence of 25 years to life. Needless to say, the Zubia family was not pleased.) The newest gruesome news is all about the couple found burned up in their house. The woman had suffered multiple stab wounds. The man is buried so badly they’re still trying to determine what happened to him. I never used to pay much attention to local news and now I remember why. There’s a grizzly murder going on every day around here. Geez. If the cops don’t get you the bad guys will.

Speaking of the cops and bad guys, a couple of first class idiots led Sherriff’s deputies on two separate car chases Tuesday night. In the first chase, the 25 year old man had a woman and 2-year child in the car with him! Driving over 100 mph down Stockdale Hwy and crashing into some mail boxes?! With a kid in the car?! This guy needs to smoke more crack. The second chase was with a 17 year old driving a stolen Chevy pick-up. The kid led the sheriffs on a chase through orchards and over fields until he was finally halted when the transmission “dropped out.” That kid definitely has a bright future ahead of him.

Can't wait to see what KGET digs up for tonight.

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