Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Hippo Days

I miss Larson’s Dairy. The business is still around, but the drive through is gone and I think the milk delivery is too. I used to get Larson’s milk delivery and I loved it. Fresh milk in those cool old-fashioned glass jugs. Aw – the good ol’ days. The drive through was cool too. I remember peeking out the window from the backseat to check out the cute boys while my mom placed her order. That was cool. And of course, the best part of all – the Larson’s Hippo. Who can forget the field trips to Larson’s Dairy? Lining up to peer into a sump full of murky water just to get glimpse of the hippo's nose. Thrilling. I remember wondering if the hippo was really happy living in that hole and thinking back on it now I’m sure he wasn’t. Poor thing. I wonder why they had that hippo to begin with and more importantly, what they did with it?

I bet you anything if they built a new drive through and imprisoned another hippo, they would make a ton of money. Slack jawed yokels just love hippos.