Friday, November 19, 2004

Khat Kraze

It’s a little difficult to keep things fresh and interesting around here when there’s really nothing fresh and interesting going on. Nonetheless, I will do my best.

There was a recent episode of Cold Case Files featuring the Kern County Beauty Queen Killing – that was exciting. Watching the local news I learned I should not deep fry my turkey by myself, my cell phone might explode and burn my ear off, and if I write a check don’t count on any “float” time or it is likely to bounce. (Damn! Now what am I gonna do?)

There’s an article in the paper today about a man getting arrested for selling “khat.” Khat? K-h-a-t? What the hell is that? I’ve heard of anybody saying “Dude, we had the best Khat at a party last night, you should have been there dude, it was craaa-zee!” Turns out it’s a stimulant real popular in the Middle East. Hmmmm. The thing I don’t get is this; the drug is legal in the Middle East yet the article talks about how people here smuggle it in.

Does the plant the drug comes from not grow there so they can’t make it themselves? And if that’s the case, why in the world is this drug so popular there and unheard of here? I have decided to get me some this khat (purely in the name of scientific research – I swear!) and see what has got those Middle Easterners all riled up.

They certainly don’t have any thing else to be riled up about.

cough. blink, blink.