Monday, January 10, 2005

Bad News

It is interesting for me to see how new people learn about my blog. I like to check the site meter and find out what people were searching for when Bake Town came up as a hit. I had a bunch of people searching for info on Amanda Zubia. One sicko was even trying to find pictures of her being tortured. Today I discovered the biggest sicko by far. This person did a search using the words “little girls pee pee” and found my site because of the post I did about the new perv in town. How gross is that?

Less disgusting, but equally as disturbing, I learned today that all of Bakersfield major school districts have more drug and alcohol offences than the state average. According to The Californian, “Kern students are more likely to be expelled, and more likely to be assaulted or sexually harassed by peers.” Because of this police officers are being assigned to all elementary and middle school campuses. What the hell is going on in this town? Bako used to be a great place to raise a family. Why is it so messed up now?

Anyone out there have any ideas? I’m stumped.


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Hi ya,
    Nice blog.
    By the way, you mentioned a site meter. Did you have to install this thing or do I have access to one and just not know about it, or?
    If you have time to let me know, I'd appreciate it.

  2. Go to and you'll find what you're looking for! Good luck and thanks for reading!
