Saturday, January 29, 2005

Rained Out

My son is all excited about going out for baseball at BHS. When he came home from school yesterday he insisted I immediately take him to Copeland’s for his gear. I told him I couldn’t go anywhere cuz I was a mess and needed to get ready. “This is Bakersfield” he responded, “No body cares.” I couldn’t argue with that logic. I gave West a wave as we cruised by.

My son woke me up at four 4 A.M. today. He hasn’t done that since he was four years old. We were supposed to meet up my nephew who played baseball and my friend who coached softball to have a little fun practice. Unfortunately it rained most of the morning and every thing is soaked. He wanted to play anyway, and my son rarely is this gung-ho about baseball (cuz that’s what I’m gung-ho about) so I really hated to let him down. Instead I rented The Bad News Bears and I brought out my baby bat and wiffle ball. We played in the living room while we watched the movie. Tomorrow hopefully we’ll make it to the park.

Tonight I’m going to Benji’s. Benji’s (for those of you who don’t know) is another great Basque restaurant in Bakersfield. I did a post about the Basque a long time ago. I think Benji’s has the best Basque food in town. Much better than Wool Growers. Wool Growers is fun for the crowd and the scene, but when it comes to food, Benji’s has it. After dinner I’ll probably come home, read and go to bed. I’m going to church in the morning. Pick your jaw up off the floor…. I’m a good girl I am. Besides, I live in Bakersfield and that's what people here do.

I have a few (a lot) more Bakersfield yesteryear stories to share, so I’ll try to get one out tonight and I’m still waiting for more Top 10 lists. The point of this project is to get INPUT.

b.t.w. If you’re looking for a new full-time job, I’m looking to hire a new editor. The pay isn’t good and neither are the benefits so….Crap. Never mind.


  1. did you know they're remaking the Bad News Bears. Billy Bob Thorton will play Buttermaker.

  2. I did hear that. Cool. I'm also looking forward to Charlie and the Chocolate factory.
