Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Some of you may have noticed I haven’t been keeping up with my “features” lately.  There are several reasons for this.  First, I found that most of the people whom I sent questions to for my “B.B.Q&A” never responded.  (Huh Amy?)  Second, I’ve been having trouble with my digital camera AND the camera on my cell phone.  I’m either unable to take a picture or I’m unable to upload them on to my pc.  This is a situation I plan to take care of well before I head to Italy.  Third, I had some negative feedback from locals on my weather update, or W.U.D. as I like to call it.  This makes sense since they can see what the weather is like for themselves.  My out of town readers on the other hand, seem to appreciate a little commentary on the weather, so I guess the rest of you are just going to have to suffer.

It’s the middle of June and it’s about 70° outside.  It feels like beach weather.  We had some pretty hot days a couple of weeks ago in the low 100’s, but over all it’s been a pretty nice summer.  Sunday was warm and breezy and I went for a long walk.  It felt great.  Temps should be back up into the 90’s this weekend, which is fine by me since I’m working on my tan.  

Now if we could just do something about that darn air quality.  *cough*